1. Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Adolescent Health Questionnaire.
2. Car, Relax, Alone, Friends, Forget, Trouble (CRAFFT) – Can be self-administered or provider administered. • American Academy of Pediatrics recommends using this tool as a supplement to another risky behavior screening tool to assess level of substance use and risky behavior engagement. • Tool used specifically to measure alcohol use, and alcohol risky behaviors. CRAFFT 2.1+N was created to assess tobacco and nicotine use, as well.
3. Screen to Brief Intervention / Brief Screener for Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (S2BI / BSTAD) – Risky substance behavior can be self reported or administered by a provider, created by NIH and NIDA. • After the screening is done, the risk level summary provides resources for provider and patient. • Asks about use of substances, including tobacco, marijuana, and alcohol in the past year. • Geared toward adolescent population • Can be followed up with CRAFFT.
4. Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire (ACE-Q) – Based on the Childhood Experiences Questionnaire, ACE-Q is a clinical screening tool meant to be used by appropriate healthcare providers. • Measures: cumulative exposure to ACEs in patients ages 0-19. Respondents are asked to report how many experience types apply to them or their child NOT which experiences apply.
5. Preventure/Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS) – Preventure is a program that introduces cognitive behavioral strategies and coping skills to youth based on their individual personality style. • Uses the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale (SURPS) to identify program-eligible youth and their unique personality styles.
6. Mental Health Self-Assessment – Mental Health America online mental health self assessment • Users can choose from several online assessments for depression, postpartum depression, anxiety, psychosis, bipolar, eating disorder, PTSD, ADHD, Addiction, or Self-Injury. • Parent and Youth Mental Health Test also available • After you take the test, you can access more resources to learn what your results mean and “see information, resources, and tools to help you understand and improve your mental health.”
7. ATLAS Addiction Treatment Needs Assessment – Substance use self-assessment developed by Shatterproof • Can be completed by self or other (loved one, parent, friend, etc) • Based on assessment responses, recommendations for treatment programs and additional services are given.
8. Social Determinants of Health (SDH) Screening Tools and Resources – Worried that you may lose your housing or not have a place to stay? • Worried that your food would run out before you got money to buy more? • Put off going to the doctor because it was too far or you couldn’t get there? • Had your electric, gas, oil or water company threaten to shut off services? • Had a difficult time getting to work or school because of a lack of childcare? • Been unemployed? • Not had enough money to pay your bills? • Felt physically or emotionally unsafe at home? • Been afraid of your partner or ex-partner? • Felt anxious, down, depressed, or hopeless? • Felt concern about the use of alcohol and prescription or other drugs by you or a family member? NJ Prevention Hub Website Additional Supports Page includes findhelp.org for resources related to the SDOH.